Amt c onfi guration, Se rial port con sol e r ed irec tion, Con sol e r ed ire c tion – Acnodes FES 2953 User Manual
Page 39: Termi nal typ e, Bi os setup, Op tions are enabled and disabled, Cons ole redirection e nable/dis ab le

AMT C onfi guration
Apt io S etup Utilit y
M ain
Ad van ced
Chip set
Bo ot
S ecur ity
Save & E xit
E nabled
→ ← Select Screen
Select Item
Enter: Select
+- Change Field
F1: General Help
F2: Previous Values
F3: Optimized Default
F4: Save ESC: Exit
Op tions are Enabled and Disabled .
Se rial Port Con sol e R ed irec tion
Apt io S etup Utilit y
Ad van ce d
Bo ot
S ecur ity
Save & E xit
CO M 0 (Di sabl ed)
Cons ole Redi rec tion
P ort i s Di sabl ed
S eri al Port f or Out- of-B and Managem ent/
W indows E m ergenc y M anagement S erv i ces (EM S )
Cons ole Redi rec tion
E nabled
O ut-of- Band M gm t Por t
CO M0 (Di sabl ed)
Data B i ts
P ari ty
S top B its
T erm inal Ty pe
→ ← Select Screen
Select Item
Enter: Select
+- Change Field
F1: General Help
F2: Previous Values
F3: Optimized Default
F4: Save ESC: Exit
Con sol e R ed ire c tion
Cons ole Redirection E nable/Dis ab le.
Termi nal Typ e
VT -UTF8 is th e p referred termin al ty pe for ou t-of-b an d management. Th e n ex t
best cho ice is VT 100 + and th en VT 100.