Pch 7991, 10 set administrator/user password – Acnodes PCH 7991 User Manual

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PCH 7991

19 inch Atom Fanless Panel PC

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CI Con fi gurations

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3.10 Set Administrator/User Password

W hen select ing this feature, the following information will be shown:


– AwardBIO S C MO S Setup Utility

? Standard CMO S Features

Load Fail-Safe D efaults

? A dvan ced BIO S Featu res

Load Op timized D efaults

? A dvan ced Chipset Features

Set A dministrator Password

? Inte grated Periph erals

Set User Passwo rd

? Po wer Manag emen t Setup

Save & Exit Setup


Enter Password:


? PC Health Status

Esc : Qu it

??? ? : Sel ect Item

F10 : Save & Exit Setup

Chang e/Set/D isable Password

Type the pass word with up to 8 c harac ters and t hen press


key. This will

clear all p reviously typed C MOS pas swords. You w ill be requested to confirm the pass word. Type

the pass word again and press


key. You may press


ke y

to abandon password entry o peratio n.

To c lear the password, just pres s


key w hen pa ssword input window pops

up. A

c onfirmation message will be show n on the screen as to whethe r the passw ord will be d isabled. You

w ill have direct access to BIO S setup w ithout typing any passw ord after sys tem reboot once the

pass word is dis abled.

Onc e the pas sword feature is used, yo u will b e reques te d t o type the password each time you

e nter BIOS setup. This will preve nt unauthorized persons from changing your sys tem configurations.

Als o, the feature is capable of requesting use rs to enter the passw ord prior to sys tem boot to

c ontrol unauthorized access to your computer. Us ers ma y enable the feature in Sec urity Option of

Advance d BIOS Features . If Sec urit y Option is s et to Sys tem, you will be requ ested to enter th e

pass word before system boot and when en tering BIOS setup; if Security Option is set to Setup, you

w ill be requested f or passw ord for e nte ring BIOS setup.