Pch 7991 – Acnodes PCH 7991 User Manual

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PCH 7991

19 inch Atom Fanless Panel PC

© Copyright 2012 Acnodes, Inc.

All rights reserved. Product description and product specifications
are subject to change without notice. For latest product information,
please visit Acnodes’ web site at

14628 Central Ave.

Chino, CA91710

Tel:909.597.7588, Fax:909.597.1939

IDE Se con dary Maste r U DMA

[Au to]

IDE Se con dary Slave U DMA

[Au to]

* ** On-Ch ip Se rial ATA Se tting ***



O n-Chip Seria l ATA

[A uto]

X SATA Port Sp eed Settin g

[Disable d]




mo de

[Sec ondary]


[P0,P2 is


?? ? ? : Mo ve E n te r: Se lec t +/ -/ PU/ PD: Valu e F1 0:S a ve E SC:E xit F1 :Ge n era l He lp

F5 : P re vio u s Va lu es F6 : Fa il-S a fe De fa ults F7 : Op timize d Def au lts

I DE HDD Block Mode

If your ID E hard disk supports Bloc k mode (m ost current hard dis k pro ducts support the feature),

s elect Enabled and BIOS will au tomatically de tect optimum block mod e supporte d b y the hard disk.

This will improve the transfer perf ormanc e of h ard disk. Options are: Enabled and D isabled.

I DE DMA Transfer Acce ss

Op tions are: Enabled and Disabled.

O n-C hip Primary/Secondary PCI IDE

Each IDE port of integrated peripheral controller supports up to 2 IDE channels. Select Enabled

t o activate each ch an nel. Options are: Ena bled and Disabled.

I DE Primary /Secondary Ma ster/Slave PIO

The four IDE PIO (Programmed Input/Output) fields allow you to set a PIO m od e (0-4) for eac h of

t he four IDE devices t hat the onboard IDE interface supports. Mode 0 t hrough 4 provides suc cessively

increased perform ance. In Auto mo de, the system automatically determines the best mode for each

d evice. Options are: Auto, Mode 0, Mode 1, Mode 3 and Mode 4.