Pch 7991, 3 .8 pc health status – Acnodes PCH 7991 User Manual

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PCH 7991

19 inch Atom Fanless Panel PC

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3 .8 PC Health Status

Thi s item show s the current ope rati on s tatu s of system .

P hoenix

– AwardBIO S CMOS S etup Utili ty

PC Health Status

** Smart Fan C ontrol Th ermal C ruise


Item He lp

C PU Fan C ru ise Target

[65? /14 9? ]

Fa n C ruise T hreshold

[5 ? ]

M enu L eve l ?

** O nboa rd H ealth Sen sor Status**

C urrent Syste m Te mpera ture

C urrent CPU Temp erature

C PU Fan Spe ed

V core(V)

5V cc (V)

V bat (V)

5V sb (V )

??? ? :M ov e Ente r:S ele c t + /-/P U /P D :Va lue F1 0:S a ve E SC :E x it F1 :Ge ner al H e lp

F5 : P re v ious Va lu es F6 : Fa il -S a fe D efa ults F7 : Optim iz ed D efa ults

This m odu le m ainly show s m otherboard i nform a tion on current operating vol tage, C PU

t emp erature, sys tem tem perature and fan rotation speed. R ef er to actual screen for nam e of e ach

c olum n.

C PU Fan C ruise Target/Fan Cruise Threshold: this ite m determ ines the rotation c ondition of fan

w hen CP U tem perature reaches preset value. Op tions of CP U Fan Cruise Ta rget are: Di sable,

5 5? /131? , 60? /140 ? and 65? /149? ; Options of Fan Cruise Threshold are ±2? , ±3? , ±4? and

±5? .

For exam pl e, set CP U Fan Cruis e Target to < 65? /149? > and Fan Cruise Threshold to <±5? >.
W hen C PU tem pe rature rises to 70? (6 5? +5? ), the fan w ill begin to rotate; when C PU tem perat ure

d rops to 60? (65? -5? ), the fan will st op rotating.