Pch 7991 – Acnodes PCH 7991 User Manual

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PCH 7991

19 inch Atom Fanless Panel PC

© Copyright 2012 Acnodes, Inc.

All rights reserved. Product description and product specifications
are subject to change without notice. For latest product information,
please visit Acnodes’ web site at

14628 Central Ave.

Chino, CA91710

Tel:909.597.7588, Fax:909.597.1939


T his item allows y ou to set a desired sys tem da te (u sually current date). T he date form at is

< day>< m onth>< date> .


It is a read-only and b ios-def ined weekday att ribu te ranging from S un (Su nda y) to S at

(S aturday).

M o nth

It i s a m onth attribute rangi ng fro m Jan (January) to D ec (Decem ber).


It is a date attribute rangi ng fro m 1 to 31 and can be m odified via num eric keys.

Ye ar

It i s a user-d ef ined year attri bute.

Tim e

T his item allows you to set a desi red s ystem tim e (usually c u rrent tim e). T he tim e form at is

< hour>.

Ch an n el 0 M aster / Ch an n el 0 S lave

Ch an n el 1 M aster / Ch an n el 1 S lave

P ress P gUp/<+ > or P gDn/< -> key to sel ec t am ong M an ual, None and A uto type. Note that the

s pecifica tion of your dri ve device m us t be in com plianc e with the contents of D ri ve Table. If the

i nformat ion regi stered in this item i s not correc t, your hard disk wi ll not work properly; if your ha rd di sk

s pecifica tion is not found or does not conform to or the D ri ver Tabl e, you m ay select M anual type to set

th e specific ation m anually.

If you c hoose M anual, you wi ll be requested to enter relevant inform ation in the foll owing entries.

K eyboard input i s also supported. F or deta ils, you m ay refer to the instructive m a teri als provided by

d istributor or de vice m anufacturer.

If a S CS I HD D devic e is used, set thi s item to "NO NE ".

If a C D-ROM drive i s connected to the H DD port, se t this item to "N ONE "

AccessMo d e

Option s are: Auto, N orm al, Large and LB A

C ylin d er

Num ber of c ylinders


Num ber of heads

P reco m p

W rite precom pensation cyl inder

L an din g Z o ne

Head l and ing zone

H alt on

T he item allow s you to d eterm in e w hen the s ystem will s top. Options are: No Errors; A ll E rrors; A ll,

B ut K eyboard.

N o Erro rs

Th e syste m b oo t will no t stop f or an y e rro r.

All Erro rs

W he ne ver th e BI OS d et ect s a no n -fa tal e rro r, t he syste m b o ot will

sto p .

All, Bu t Ke yb o ard

Th e syste m b o ot w ill n ot sto p f or a ke yb o ard e rro r b ut sto p f or all

o th er e rro rs a s d et ect ed b y BIO S. (d e fa ult)