Pch 7991, 3 .4 adv anced chipset features setup – Acnodes PCH 7991 User Manual

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PCH 7991

19 inch Atom Fanless Panel PC

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are subject to change without notice. For latest product information,
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14628 Central Ave.

Chino, CA91710

Tel:909.597.7588, Fax:909.597.1939

3 .4 Adv anced Chipset Features Setup

A dvanced C hipset Features Setup is used to change the value s of chipset registers that c ont rol

m ost options of computer.

S elec t AD VA NC ED CHIP S ET FE ATU RE S i n the mai n menu, and the f ollowing s cree n will b e

d isplayed.


– AwardBIOS CMO S Setup Utility

Advanced Chipset Features

D RA M Timin g Se lect able

[B y SPD]

Item Help


C AS Laten cy Time



D RA M R AS# to CA S# Dela y


M en u L e vel?


D RA M R AS# Prech arge

A uto


Pre charge De lay (tRA S)



S ystem M emo ry Frequ enc y

A uto

SLP_ S4# A ssertion Wid th

[1 to 2

Se c.]

S ystem B IOS Cac hea ble

[Enable d]

Video B IOS Ca chea ble

[D isa bled]

M e mory H ole At 15M -16 M

[Disable d]

? PC I Ex press R oot Port Func


Ente r]

* * O nboa rd VG A Setting **

O n-Ch ip Fram e Buffe r Siz e

[ 8M B]

D VM T M ode

[D VM T]

D VM T/Fixed M emor y Siz e

[1 28M B]

B oot Displa y


D efault]

LC D Pane l Type

[LV DS1 18 1024 X

7 68]

LC D Pane l B rightness

[Lev el 8 ]

? ?? ? : M ove E n te r: S ele ct +/ -/P U/ PD: Valu e F1 0: Sa ve E SC: Exit F1 :G en e ra l He lp

F5 : Pre viou s Va lu es F6 : Fa il-Sa fe De fa u lt s F7 : Op tim ize d Def au lts

N ote: If you are not familiar wi th chipset, never modify thes e settings at wil l.