Accu-Chek Active User Manual

Page 46

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Chapter 5: Maintenance and Troubleshooting

ACCU-CHEK Customer Care Service Center 1-800-858-8072

The meter is having trouble reading
the code key. Take the orange code
key out and put it back in again.
For help, see Chapter 1, “Coding
the Meter.”

There is a problem reading the
test strip. Clean the test strip guide
(see Chapter 5, “Cleaning Your
Meter”) and make sure the test
strip is straight when you re-insert

There is a problem reading the test
strip or the test strip is used, dirty,
or expired. Clean the test strip
guide (see Chapter 5, “Cleaning
Your Meter”) and repeat the test
with a new test strip.

A test error has occurred, or there is
electromagnetic interference.
Repeat the test. If you get the same
message, move away from sources of
interference and repeat the test.

The code key is defective or not inserted
correctly. Take the orange code key
out and put it back in the meter (see
Chapter 1, “Coding the Meter”).