3M X75 User Manual

Page 57

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Intended Use
Before operating this machine, please read this entire manual thor ough ly. The 3M


Multimedia Projectors are designed, built, and tested for use

indoors, using 3M lamps, 3M ceiling mount hardware, and nominal local voltages.

The use of other replacement lamps, outdoor operation, or different volt ag es has not been tested and could damage the projector pe riph er al equip-

ment and/or create a potentially unsafe operating con di tion.

3M Multimedia projectors and Wall Display Systems are designed to op er ate in a normal offi ce environment.

• 16° to 29°C (60° to 85° F)

• 10- 80 %RH (without condensation)

• 0- 1828 m (0-6000 feet) above sea level

The ambient operating environment should be free of airborne smoke, grease, oil and other contaminates that can affect the operation or perfor-

mance of the projector.

Use of this product in adverse conditions will void the product warranty.

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Austin, TX 78726-9000

3M Canada

P.O. Box 5757

London, Ontario

N6A 4T1

3M Mexico, S.A. de C.V.

Apartado Postal 14-139

Mexico, D.F. 07000


3M Europe

Boulevard de l’Oise

95006 Cerge Pontoise Cedex


Litho in Japan

© 3M 2004

78-6970-9400-7 Rev. A
