3Com 2101 User Manual

Page 94

background image




phantom mailboxes 38
picking up calls 68
position, wall-mount bracket 87
printing speed dial lists 56
private messages 36
problems, solving 85
Program button, Business Telephone 17
programmable Access buttons

Attendant Console 81
Basic Telephone 23
Business Telephone 17, 19

public address system 73
pulse dialing 77


Quick Reference Guides 14


receptionist 8

and the Attendant Console 80
and the Complement Attendant Software 83

Redial button, NBX Business Telephone 18
redialing calls 43
Release button 19
releasing calls with headset 63
relocating telephones 88
remote notification 57
remote offices, calling 73
replying to voice mail messages 31

tone, choosing 52
volume 49


delayed 76
Do Not Disturb 60


scroll buttons 17, 23

passwords 26, 27
preventing unauthorized outbound calls 61
wall-mount bracket 87

sending messages 33
shared telephone lines

bridged extensions 75
delayed ringing 76
hunt groups 69

Shift button, Attendant Console 81
simultaneous paging 73

site codes 74
soft buttons, NBX Telephones 17, 22
software, Complement Attendant (CAS) 83
sound volume

of handset, speaker phone, and ringer tone 52

Speaker button on Business Telephone 18
speaker phone 18

problems with 89
using 43
volume 50

speed dials 53

One-Touch 55
personal speed dial numbers 53
printing lists of 56
problems with 90
system-wide speed dial numbers 54

status icons, Basic Telephone display panel 24
SuperStack 3 NBX 8
support bracket

security wall-mount 87

support brackets 86


tabs, Complement Attendant Software (CAS)

screens 83

telephone icons, Basic Telephone display panel 40
telephone maintenance 85
telephone number, for Off-site notification 57
telephone support brackets 86

cleaning 88
connecting 85
mounting 86
moving and swapping 88

third-party messaging applications 25
time-of-day calling restrictions 61
toll calls, preventing others from dialing 62
tone dialing 77
tones, ringer selection 52
Transfer button

Attendant Console 81
Business Telephone 17

transferring calls 46
troubleshooting 85

list of possible problems 89


unauthorized use of telephone, preventing 61
urgent messages 36
user 8