3Com 2101 User Manual

Page 93

background image






for NBX telephones 56
for the Attendant Console 81
problems with printing 90

length of voice messages 26
lights, status 20
listening to messages

from an analog telephone 28
from an NBX telephone 28
from remote telephones 29


modifying personal voice mail group lists 35
personal voice mail group lists 34

locking your telephone 61

blocking unauthorized calls 61
off-site notification restriction 58

logs on NBX telephone display panel

answered calls 41
dialed calls 41
missed calls 41

long-distance calls, preventing 61



greeting-only 37
group 38
phantom 38
setting up personal 11

maintenance, telephone 85
message (MSG) button

Basic Telephone 23
Business Telephone 16

message indicators 28

creating and sending 33
forwarding 31
listening to from a remote location 29
maximum length 26
Message Waiting Indicator Access button 38
private 36
replying to 31
sending 33
urgent 36

Messaging, NBX 25
microphone 17
moving telephones 52, 88
MSG button 16, 23
Mute button 18


name announcement

changing 27
setting the first time 12

NBX 100 8
NBX Basic Telephone 21
NBX Business Telephones 15
NBX Messaging 25
NBX NetSet password 26

changing 12
forgotten 12
initial 12, 13

NBX NetSet utility

getting started 13
overview 13
problems with 89

NetSet password

security tips 27

notification, off-site 57


off-site notification 57
outbound calls

dialing 42
speed dials 53


pager, off-site notification 57
paging 72, 73

required equipment 73
restricted by Do Not Disturb 60
to announce a parked call 72

Palm integration 63
parking a call 72

retrieving the call 73


changing in the NBX NetSet utility 13
changing on the telephone 26
forgotten 26, 2
security tips 27


allowed calls 62
viewing your call permissions 62

personal greeting

changing 27
setting the first time 12

personal speed dial numbers 53
personal voice mail group lists

creating 34
modifying 35