English, Overview – ZyXEL Communications 802.11g High Power Wireless Router P-334WH User Manual
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The P-334WH is an IEEE 802.11b/g wireless broadband router with a four-port 10/100 Mbps switch. The P-
334WH also works as an access point (AP) or a Wi-Fi WAN router that allows you to access the Internet via a
wireless WAN connection.
You should have an Internet account already set up and have been given most of the following information.
Table 1 Internet Account Information
See your User’s Guide for background information on all features.
The following lists what you need to do:
1 Hardware Connections
2 Accessing the Web Configurator
3 Operating Mode
4 Connection Wizard Setup
Your device’s WAN IP Address (if given): ______________
DNS Server IP Address (if given): Primary _____________, Secondary ______________
Connection Type:
Service Type: _______________________
User Name: ____________
Login Server IP Address: ______________
Password: ____________
User Name: ____________
Your WAN IP Address (if given) ____________
Connection ID (if required): ____________
Password: ____________
PPTP Server IP Address: ___________
or PPTP Domain Name: ___________
(PPPoE) Service Name: ____________
User Name: ____________
Password: ____________