Advanced program guide, 9. searching programs by category – Zenith DTV1080 User Manual

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7-9. Searching Programs by Category

You can search for specific programs by their categories. The category information of each program is provided

by the APG so that you can choose one of them to search for matching programs. You can also set a search range

to One Day or Three Days, (within 24 hours and 72 hours from now, respectively). In the search result one pro-

gram may have multiple showings in different channels and/or in different time slots.

To search programs by Category :

1. Highlight the CATEGORY in the guide menu. You will see currently applicable categories in a two-level structure.

The Category Search screen consists of three columns: the first column from the left shows the core categories, the

middle column shows the sub-categories that belong to the same core category, and the rightmost column lists pro-

grams resulting from a category search.

2. Move the highlight to a core category. You will see sub-categories belonging to that core category in the middle col-

umn. By moving the highlight around and viewing available categories, you can select any of them for search-

ing regardless of core or sub-categories.

3. The progam resulting from the search will be listed in the rightmost column. The highlight goes to the top progam

on the list and its schedule and program information will be displayed at the top region of the guide screen. You can

see schedule and program information on each program by moving the highlight using “


”. If you choose a program

and press

”, you will be asked to select one of the available showings of that program. Once a choice is made, ALL

channel listings will replace the Category Search screen and the highlight will go to the specified showing.