Software update – York Version 1.5.0 User Manual

Page 25

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5. Software Update

This section provides information regarding an Update of the ConsoleWorks software.

Note: If ConsoleWorks is being installed as an update to Version 1.4-0, a new directory structure will be created. Save exist-
ing template files, action routines, etc. prior to the installation and move them to the proper directory upon completion of
the install.

5-1. Stop the ConsoleWorks Server and License Manager
Access the Services Control Panel to stop the currently running ConsoleWorks services. The Services Control
Panel is accessed through the Start Menu: Settings: Services. The following services must be stopped:

1) Stop the ConsoleWorks Server
2) Stop the ConsoleWorks LMF Server

5-2. Remove the ConsoleWorks
Client and Server Programs
Access the Add/Remove Programs Panel to remove the ConsoleWorks Client and Server from the system. The
Add/Remove Programs Panel is accessed through the Start Menu: Settings: Add/Remove Programs. The fol-
lowing programs are to be removed:

1) Remove the ConsoleWorks Client (if necessary)
2) Remove the ConsoleWorks Server

5-3. Re-install the ConsoleWorks
Server and Client Programs
Find the section of the web page containing the Windows NT/2000 installation kits. The name of the
installation executable for the ConsoleWorks Server for the Windows platform is Setup.exe. Run the setup pro-
gram and respond to the questions appropriately (refer to Section 4-4 for applicable screens).

If appropriate, find the section of the web page containing the Windows NT/2000 installation kits. The name of
the installation executable for the ConsoleWorks Client for the Windows platform is Setup.exe. Run the setup
program and respond to the questions appropriately.

5-4. Install ConsoleWorks License(s)
Before starting the ConsoleWorks server you should move the licenses you received from TDI to:

C:\Program Files\TECSys Development, Inc\ConsoleWorks Server\LMF\TDI_Licenses

· note: license files are text files that must be named as filename.LIC (where filename is a descriptive
name of your choosing, but should indicate the actual product license being loaded)

5-5. Start the ConsoleWorks
To start the ConsoleWorks server access the Services Control Panel and start each executable,

1) ConsoleWorks LMF Server

• note: if you would like to make certain all of your licenses loaded properly, you may check the

contents of the following file:

C:\Program Files\TECSys Development, Inc\ConsoleWorks Server\Log\ConsoleWorksLMFService_Err.Log