Installation – York Version 1.5.0 User Manual

Page 15

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4. Installation

This section contains information on the first stage of the installation procedure. The second stage of the instal-
lation procedure uses a web browser and is discussed in the ConsoleWorks Administrator and User Guide.

Note: If ConsoleWorks is being installed as an update to Version 1.4-0, a new directory structure will be cre-
ated. Save existing template files, action routines, etc. prior to the installation and move them to the proper
directory upon completion of the install.

4-1. Make backup of system disk(s)
As a precaution, make a backup copy of the system disk(s). This is a standard precaution. ConsoleWorks in-
stalls all of its files into a single directory tree, which should preclude any conflicts, however caution is recom-

4-2. Installation Process
ConsoleWorks installation can be accomplished directly from a CD or from a TDI web site.

- note: The installer may not be notified about files about to be overwritten.

- note: Installation requires Administrator privileges. If the activity to this point has been done from a common

user account, the installer will have to logout and log back in as a user with Administrator access

Administrator privileges
Log in to an account with Administrator privileges. Once ConsoleWorks is installed it can be run from a com-
mon user account, but the installation is required to be performed from an account with full access privileges.

Uninstall all versions of Field Test Software (if applicable)
Please uninstall all versions of ConsoleWorks Server V1.5 Field Test. This install will not work if the ConsoleWorks
Server V1.5 Field Test is installed. Failure to uninstall the field test version could cause loss of data during install
or uninstall of ConsoleWorks Server.

Mount the CD
The ConsoleWorks CD contains the same files as the TDI installation web site. Open the CD directory and click
on the index.html file. Installation from the CD now proceeds exactly as it would from the web site. If using the
CD for installation, skip to Installation below otherwise continue with the next paragraph.

Open the TDI Installation Web Site
The latest copy of the ConsoleWorks software can be found on the TDI Installation Web site (http://www.tditx.

Move the software Installation Kit to the Local Disk
Find the section of the web page containing the Windows NT/2000 installation kits. The name of the installa-
tion executable for the Windows platform is ConsoleWorksServer.exe. The file contains all of the necessary files
and information required to install a ConsoleWorks invocation on a Windows platform. Click on the link for this
installation kit and save the file to the local disk.

- note: A ConsoleWorks license, known as a PAK, must be installed in order to run a ConsoleWorks invocation.

Begin the Installation

The installation kit can be started using any of the three common Windows methods for starting executables:
using Run from the Start menu, running ConsoleWorksServer.exe from the MS-DOS prompt or by double click-
ing the executable in Windows Explorer. The installation splash screens are shown in the section below.