York Version 1.5.0 User Manual
Page 22

and click on 'Stop.' Then select ConsoleWorks LMF Server Service and click on 'Stop.' It is recommended that
the licensing service be shutdown when the ConsoleWorks Server Service is shutdown.
4-9. Adding functionality
Import existing scan definitions
ConsoleWorks comes with several scans. The scans can be imported during the installation process or
later. The import_pcm.exe command is used to import the scans and events, which follow a PCM format
from a command line interface. The format for the command is:
import_pcm.exe filename.ext,
where filename.ext is the name of a PCM formatted file. The import utility, import_pcm.exe, has no restric-
tions on the filename and extension. When using the import utility, the importer must have foreknowledge
that the file targeted for import is an authentic PCM formatted file.
4-10. Importing PolyCenter Console Manager (PCM) Port files
ConsoleWorks can import PCM port files. The import_pcm.exe command is used to import PCM data-
bases, consoles, events and/or users, depending on what is contained in the files exported from PCM from
a command line interface. The format for the command is:
import_pcm.exe filename.ext,
where filename.ext is a file created during the export of a PCM database. The import utility, import_pcm.
exe, has no restrictions on the filename and extension. When using the import utility, the importer must
have foreknowledge that the file targeted for import is an authentic PCM database file.
4-11. ConsoleWorks databases
Importing ConsoleWorks Database
The importdb.exe program is used to import ConsoleWorks databases from a command line interface.
The format for the command is:
importdb.exe filename.ext,
where filename.ext is a file created by the ConsoleWorks application exportdb.exe. The filename and ex-
tension have no restrictions. When using the import utility, the importer must have foreknowledge that the
file targeted for import is an authentic ConsoleWorks database file.
Two more features of ConsoleWorks NT import utility are: 1) ConsoleWorks will import databases from previ-
ous ConsoleWorks versions, and 2) ConsoleWorks databases can be exported and imported between sup-
ported host operating systems (NT, VMS, Tru64, Solaris and Linux).
Exporting ConsoleWorks Databases
The exportdb.exe program is used to export ConsoleWorks databases from a command line interface.
The format for the command is:
exportdb.exe filename.ext,
where the filename and extension have no restrictions. The file will be exported as an ASCII file with mostly
readable text and some encoded text. The exported database does not include *.INFO files created for
Event, Consoles and Users, the LOG files or the public domain PCM scan files provided in the distribution.
4-12. Editing ConsoleWorks Default Templates
ConsoleWorks comes with four templates: Event, Event Common, Console and User. Events, Consoles and Us-
ers are created in ConsoleWorks, using a web browser (see Users Guide) or they can be imported as part of a
database import (ConsoleWorks or PCM).
Help files are affiliated with each Event, Console and User. When an Event, Console or User is created, the