Practice makes perfect-repeat and learn, Practice makes perfect—repeat and learn – Yamaha PortaTone PSR-I425 User Manual

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Select a Song For a Lesson


PSR-I425 Owner’s Manual

Use this feature when you want to start again just ahead of a section on which you made a mistake, or to
repeatedly practice a section you find difficult.

Press the [

] (REPEAT & LEARN) button during a les-


The song location will move back four measures from the point at
which you pressed the button, and playback will begin after a one-mea-
sure count-in. Playback will continue up to the point at which you
pressed the [

] (REPEAT & LEARN) button, and then jump back

four measures and begin again after a count-in. This process will repeat,
so all you have to do is press the [

] (REPEAT & LEARN) button

when you make a mistake in order to repeat practice of that section until
you get it right.

Practice Makes Perfect—Repeat and Learn

• You can change the number of

measures the Repeat and learn
function jumps back by pressing
a number button [1]–[9] during
repeat playback.


Press immediately


A mistake!

e Jump back 4 measures and repeat playback



Song playback