Harmony parameters, Harmony type – Yamaha PLG100-VH User Manual
Page 12

[EFFECT] button
These parameters control the Harmony effect. Other Harmony param-
eters not included in this section are set in the System section (page
24). For general information on the Harmony effect and how to use it,
see page 8.
Since the available parameters depend on which Harmony Type is se-
lected, separate parameter charts are given for each of the four types:
Vocoder, Chordal, Detune, and Chromatic.
Hidden Parameters
Some of the Harmony parameters are “hidden” parameters, and
cannot be edited from the panel of the MU128. However, they
can be edited with the VH Effect Editor in the optional XGworks
software. (Page 11)
Harmony Parameters
Harmony Type
CHROMAT.HM (Chromatic)
When the Type is set to THRU, no Harmony effect is applied, and the only other available
parameter is Insert Part.
• The available parameters depend on the selected Harmony Type.
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