Upgrading aps-8m firmware – Western Telematic APS-8M User Manual
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10. Upgrading APS-8M Firmware
When new, improved versions of the APS-8M operating firmware become
available, the /UF (Upgrade Firmware) function can be used to update the
APS-8M unit to the new firmware version. Updates can be uploaded to the
unit via SetUp Ports one and two, or via the internal modem port (Port 8). To
install a firmware update, proceed as follows:
All other ports will be disabled during the firmware upgrade
1. Obtain the update file. Firmware modifications can either be mailed to
the customer on a 3.5" diskette or CDROM, or downloaded from WTI via
modem. Place the diskette in your diskette drive and/or copy the file to
your hard drive.
2. Access the APS command mode. If the password prompt is displayed,
key a password that permits Supervisor Mode. The Upgrade Firmware
feature is only available in Supervisor Mode.
3. When the APS command prompt appears, type
/UF and then press
[Enter]. The APS-8M will display a screen which offers the
following options:
a) Continue Upload and Keep Current Parameters: To proceed
with the upgrade, while retaining current, user-defined parameters,
1 and press [Enter]. All parameter settings will be restored
when the upgrade is complete.
b) Continue Upload and Default System: To proceed with the
upgrade, and reset parameters to default settings, type
2 and press
[Enter]. When the upgrade is complete, all parameters will be set to
default values. Note that if the Firmware Upgrade is performed via
modem, Modem Port parameters will not be defaulted until after you
hang-up and disconnect from the unit.
c) Abort Upload: To cancel the upgrade and return to the command
prompt, type
3 and press [Enter].