Western Telematic APS-8M User Manual

Page 30

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APS-8M Asynchronous Port Switch; User’s Guide

When the Port Mode is set to Modem Mode, the menu will include

additional prompts (see Figure 5.6), which are used to define the

61. Reset String: If necessary, this prompt can re-define the modem

reset string, which is sent prior to the Initialization string. (Up to 48

Chars., Default =


62. Initialization String: Defines a command string that can be sent to

initialize a modem to settings required by your application. (Up to

48 Characters, Defaults: Port 1 through 7 =


Port 8 =


63. Hang-Up String: Although the APS will pulse the DTR line to

hang-up an attached modem, the Hang-Up string is often useful

for controlling modems that do not use the DTR line. (Up to 48

Characters, Default = undefined).


• When communicating with the APS via modem, communication

parameters will not be changed until you exit from command mode

and discontinue the modem connection to the unit.

• For a list of basic AT commands for the Internal Modem, please

refer to Section 6. For a complete listing of all available AT

commands and S-Registers, please refer to the "MT5634 Modem AT

Command Set" document in our User’s Guide Archive at the WTI

web site:


1. Port Name: (undefined)

2. Baud Rate: 9600

3. Bits/Parity: 8-None

4. Stop Bits: 1

5. Handshake Mode: RTS/CTS

6. Port Mode: Modem

61. Reset String: ATZ

62. Init String: AT&C1&D2S0=1

63. Hang-Up String: (undefined)

7. Supervisor Mode: Permit

8. Logoff Character: ^X

9. Sequence Disconnect: One Character Only

10. Timeout Disconnect: 15 Min

11. Response Type: Verbose

12. Command Echo: On

13. Accept Break: Yes

14. Invalid Access Lockout: Off

Enter: “<” previous port,

“>” next port,

exit ...

Figure 5.6: Port Parameters Menu; Modem Mode (Port 3 Shown)