Other agilent vee example programs 2-16 – VXI VT1433B User Manual
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Other Agilent VEE example programs
There are several other example programs that can be examined in the same way
as scope.vee. These programs are in the path VXIPNP\Hpe1432\examples\vee\ on
a Microsoft Windows system or /usr/e1432/vee-examples on an HP-UX system.
bsrcsine.vee (Burst SouRCe SINE)
This program is similar to scope.vee. It displays eight (rather than four) channels,
with time record and FFT for each channel. It also turns on the source in burst
sine mode and ramps up the source output. The user can specify the duty cycle,
ramp rate, level of the source and frequency of the source. This program works
with VT1433B’s which are equipped with the source VT1433B-1D4.
bsrcrand.vee (Burst SouRCe RANDom)
This program is like bsrcsine.vee except the source is turned on in burst random
frf_rand.vee. (Frequency Response Function RANDom)
This program displays the frequency response of four channels. One way to set
up this example is to connect a cable between the channel 1 and channel 2
inputs. Then connect channel 3 to channel 1 through a “black box” containing
the circuit to be tested (using a “T” on channel 1). Channel 4 remains
unconnected. On the display, a response for channel 2 over channel 1 (a flat
response for the bare cable) will be seen and a response for channel 3 over
channel 1 (representing the frequency response of the “unknown” circuit).
Channel 4 will show a random signal since it has no input.
This program can be used only with a VT1432A with the tachometer option. It
takes four channels of data and displays two channels. It shows raw time domain
data and resampled data for each rpm value. The raw data can then be processed
with a program such as Matlab to make order ratio maps.
VT1433B User's Guide
Getting Started With the VT1433B