Toshiba TEC FS-3700 R4 Series User Manual
Page 105

Chapter 5 - Reports
Reports Overview
FS-3700 R4 Owner’s Manual
5.1.5 Report
The following pages show details of each report option.
The table beneath each report title indicates if the report is included in
System, Revenue, Terminal and/or Employee totals.
The reports shown are samples and do not all balance with each other.
Any extra notes included for a particular line is right justified close to that
line in the report.
A wavy line in the middle of a report indicates that part of it was “cut out” so
a total could be included on the same page.
Report Headers
1/22/07 11:20pm 001
The time & date the report was taken.
The terminal where the report was taken.
From 1/22/07 0:35 To 1/22/07 23:20
Atlanta GA - TEC Diner
The report Name, the time period covered by the report.
Store name and location from System Setup.