1 ir transmitter polarity, 8 buttons and leds, Buttons and leds – Texas Instruments CC2533 User Manual

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The IR receiver is a Vishay TSOP85238. The receiver is optimized for 38 KHz input signal.
The IR input is connected to the IR_IN signal

The IR transmitter is a Vishay TSKS5400S. The diode is only used for short distance IR
signals as the target module is intended to be mounted on the receiver side of the equipment.
The IR diode is controlled by the IR_OUT1 signals. The IR_OUT1 signal is accessible on pin
12 of the interface header connector to allow driving external signals with the IR output.

IR transmitter polarity

The target module shipped with CC2533EM has changed the polarity for the I/O pin driving
the IR signal from active low to active high signal. This change can be implemented on older
target modules shipped with the CC2530EM.

In order to change the polarity of this signal, make the following changes:

Remove Q1

Change R18 (1kohm) with a zero ohm resistor

Short circuit two pads(marked in red) on Q1 footprint

Figure 13: Changing polarity of IR control signal to active high


Buttons and LEDs

The target module includes a push button can be used to associate the target board and the
remote control. In addition there is a reset button to reset the board.

The LEDs are controlled by the signals LED0 and LED1. The red LED is marked “STATUS”
and the green LED is marked “LINK”.

Short R18


Short Q1