Supervising a tandem call, Conference add/split/join/drop – Toshiba STRATA DP5000 User Manual

Page 61

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Feature Operations

Conference Calls

Strata CIX DP5000-series Telephone UG 05/09


Supervising a Tandem Call

1. While talking on an outside call, press


. You hear dial tone. The extension

LED flashes (conference rate).

2. Dial an outside telephone number.

3. After the party answers, press


. The extension LED flashes (in-use rate)

and all parties are conferenced.

If you receive a busy tone or if the station does not answer, press the flashing
extension button to return to the original connection.

4. Press


and hang up. The extension LED flashes (exclusive-hold rate) and

the two lines are connected. The LED turns Off when the parties hang-up.

5. To supervise a tandem call, press the extension button. If the parties have finished,

hang up...or if the parties are still talking, press


and hang-up. Both Line

LEDs turn Off and the connection is released.

If your telephone company provides automatic disconnect supervision, the
connection will release automatically when the parties hang up. If not, the lines
must be supervised to be disconnected.

Conference Add/Split/Join/Drop

If you initiate a conference with two or more parties, you can continue to add outside
callers to conference; or you and another member of the conference can leave (Split)
the conference for a private conversation. During this time, other conference members
remain connected.

You can then Join both of you back into the conference, or you can Drop (disconnect)
the member you are connected to. This feature is performed with Soft Keys if you
have a LCD phone or with a Split button programmed on one of your Programmable
Feature Buttons.

This feature also works for remote stations which are connected through Strata Net


You must be a conference master to perform the Add, Split and Drop
features. The conference master is the person that initiates the
conference call. If that person drops from the conference, the first
person added to the conference becomes the conference master.