Toshiba Tosvert VF-MB1/S15 User Manual
Tosvert vf-mb1/s15, Profibus-dp option function manual, Pdp003z
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Contents
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Connection Information
- 3. Profile
- 3.1. Telegram
- 3.2. STW Control Word Data
- 3.3. ZSW Status Word Data
- 3.4. State Machine
- 3.5. Access to the PROFIBUS parameter
- 3.6. PROFIBUS parameter (PNU)
- 3.7. Access to VF-MB1/S15 parameter
- 3.7.1. Examples of reading or changing VF-MB1/S15 parameter
- Example 1. Reading the basic parameter (cmod (command mode selection))
- Example 2. Reading the extended parameter (f219 (VIC input point 2 frequency))
- Example 3. Reading the status monitor parameter (fe02 (The operation frequency))
- Example 4. Changing the basic parameter (acc (acceleration time))
- 3.7.1. Examples of reading or changing VF-MB1/S15 parameter
- 4. Vendor Spec. Profile
- 4.1. How to use
- 4.2. The overview of the VF-MB1/S15 parameter
- 4.2.1. fa06 (Communication command1)
- 4.2.2. fa23 (Communication command 2)
- 4.2.3. fa07 (frequency reference from internal option)
- 4.2.4. fa50 (Terminal output data from communication)
- 4.2.5. fa51 (Analog output (FM) data from communication)
- 4.2.6. fd01 (Inverter operating status 1 (real time))
- 4.2.7. fd00 (Output frequency (real time))
- 4.2.8. fd03 (Output current (real time))
- 4.2.9. fe35, fe36, fe37 (Monitoring of the analog input VIA, VIB, VIC)
- 4.2.10. fe14 (Cumulative run time)
- 4.2.11. fe40 (Analog output (FM))
- 4.2.12. fc91 (Alarm code)
- 4.2.13. fd06 (Input TB Status)
- 4.2.14. fd07 (Output TB Status)
- 5. Diagnostic
- 6. DP-V1 function
- 7. PROFIBUS Local/Remote Operation
- 8. GSD file
- 9. Appendix