Toshiba Tosvert VF-MB1/S15 User Manual
Tosvert vf-mb1/s15, Profibus-dp option function manual, Pdp003z

PROFIBUS-DP Option Function Manual
1. Read this manual before installing or operating. Keep this instruction manual on hand
of the end user, and make use of this manual in maintenance and inspection.
2. All information contained in this manual will be changed without notice. Please
contact your Toshiba distributor to confirm the latest information.
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Contents
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Connection Information
- 3. Profile
- 3.1. Telegram
- 3.2. STW Control Word Data
- 3.3. ZSW Status Word Data
- 3.4. State Machine
- 3.5. Access to the PROFIBUS parameter
- 3.6. PROFIBUS parameter (PNU)
- 3.7. Access to VF-MB1/S15 parameter
- 3.7.1. Examples of reading or changing VF-MB1/S15 parameter
- Example 1. Reading the basic parameter (cmod (command mode selection))
- Example 2. Reading the extended parameter (f219 (VIC input point 2 frequency))
- Example 3. Reading the status monitor parameter (fe02 (The operation frequency))
- Example 4. Changing the basic parameter (acc (acceleration time))
- 3.7.1. Examples of reading or changing VF-MB1/S15 parameter
- 4. Vendor Spec. Profile
- 4.1. How to use
- 4.2. The overview of the VF-MB1/S15 parameter
- 4.2.1. fa06 (Communication command1)
- 4.2.2. fa23 (Communication command 2)
- 4.2.3. fa07 (frequency reference from internal option)
- 4.2.4. fa50 (Terminal output data from communication)
- 4.2.5. fa51 (Analog output (FM) data from communication)
- 4.2.6. fd01 (Inverter operating status 1 (real time))
- 4.2.7. fd00 (Output frequency (real time))
- 4.2.8. fd03 (Output current (real time))
- 4.2.9. fe35, fe36, fe37 (Monitoring of the analog input VIA, VIB, VIC)
- 4.2.10. fe14 (Cumulative run time)
- 4.2.11. fe40 (Analog output (FM))
- 4.2.12. fc91 (Alarm code)
- 4.2.13. fd06 (Input TB Status)
- 4.2.14. fd07 (Output TB Status)
- 5. Diagnostic
- 6. DP-V1 function
- 7. PROFIBUS Local/Remote Operation
- 8. GSD file
- 9. Appendix