TAG CENTRIX SV-2000-X2 User Manual

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Operations Manual

SV-2000-X2 Server (CENTRIX /


Part Number: 1008080

Page 7 of 82

Version 1.4. 01/12/2010

for in-theater survivability and communication
capability over joint enterprise platforms such
as DSN, GIG, STEP, GBS, and JTRS. This
includes the custom ruggedization of
commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) and non-
developmental items (NDI). TAG's mechanical
engineering division designs and fabricates
custom hardened enclosures, using high
performance metal materials, to house and
protect a variety of sensitive devices and
controls. TAG's electrical engineering division
designs programmable power solutions and
advanced sensor technologies including digital
receivers, advanced digital signal processors
and thermal detection systems. TAG's thermal
engineering applies survivability techniques to
ensure systems and instruments are designed
to withstand harsh environmental conditions
encountered by land-based, airborne, and
shipboard system in operations

Information and Engineering Services provides
a wide range of customer support operations,
enterprise network and communications
engineering services combining the experience
and expertise required to achieve network and
communication interoperability for component
hardware and software elements. This includes
design, simulation, analysis, and testing of the
components or systems for the support of
command and control operations. Our team of
national security cleared network engineering
professionals provides planning support for
information systems, architectures, and
networks while developing strategies that lay
the groundwork for sound technical
foundations for programmatic plans. Our
expertise in analyzing, designing,
implementing, and managing network,
telecommunication and security solutions
addresses the full lifecycle approach to
providing mission oriented enterprise class
