Toshiba TV-GEN-03 User Manual
Page 5
Digital Convergence Alignment
Module No. TV-GEN-03
Page 4 of 20
Readme: RCUT is a data address in the system EEPROM. The hexadecimal
data contained in the address will be shown just below it, as shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3
2. All progressive scan units built from 2001 forward:
a. With the unit powered “ON”, press and release the MUTE key on the
remote control two times.
b. Press the MUTE key a third time and hold.
c. While holding the MUTE key, press the MENU key on the front panel.
A pale blue “S” will appear in the upper right corner of the screen.
d. Press the MENU key on the front panel a second time. RCUT will
appear in the upper left corner of the screen.
Readme: Important parameters of the set can be accessed and adjusted from
Service Mode. Use caution whenever working in this area.
The rubber meets the road - Convergence Alignment:
Readme: Always allow the set to warm up for at least 15 minutes before making
any adjustments.
Convergence alignment instructions vary according to the unit type. The instructions
assume a worst-case scenario, such as replacing all three CRTs or the digital
convergence board, and the use of an overlay kit. All versions of the instructions are
included as Appendices A through C of this document.
Readme: If the set requires only minor convergence adjustments, enter the
procedure where you feel it is necessary.
1. Optical and electrical focus
a. Remove or raise the screen to gain access to the CRTs.
b. Reverse the lenses if necessary.
c. Enter the convergence alignment service mode.
d. Optically and electrically focus each CRT.
2. Mechanical tilt
a. Check each CRTs tilt.
b. Adjust if necessary.
c. Store the data.