TAG 1000 User Manual

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This is the MIL-BOOK 1000 Series Notebook Operation Guide.


This manual contains information for personnel using the MIL-BOOK 1000 Series notebook
computer. Readers should have a basic understanding of Windows 2000 or Windows XP
operating system installed on the computer when reading this document. With the exception of
the SETUP configuration program, which is part of the system firmware, this manual does not
explain any of the software or devices used with the system. Supplemental manuals or text-based
documents on the hard disk supply information about any software included with the system.


All operators using the notebook in or out of the field should read and become
familiar with this manual.


This manual has four chapters.
Chapter 1 introduces the notebook pointing out its major features.
Chapter 2 explains daily operation.
Chapter 3 gives detailed information about configuring the notebook.
Chapter 4 introduces the notebook Maintenance.

Supplemental Reading

For further information about this computer and computing in general, use these
MIL-BOOK 1000 Series Service Manual for detailed troubleshooting and repair instructions for
serious hardware problems associated with the MIL-BOOK 1000 Series notebook. Various
software manuals offer detailed instructions about individual programs run on the notebook.