Operation transporting mower on a trailer – Tiger JD 62-6430 User Manual
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Snow Plow Operation Section 3-4
Transporting unit by flatbed trailer:
Most tractors with a side mounted plow attached will be over legal transporting
width (102” wide). For this reason, one of the following procedures must be
1: Transporting with side plow attached: Use a loading dock or ramp to load
tractor onto the trailer. Center the tractor with the plows attached between the sides
of the trailer. Make sure the side plow is fully raised and secured. Secure the
tractor to the trailer with chains. Obtain proper over-width permits and mark the
vehicle and plow as over-width as required be law. Check the tractor operators
manual for any tractor requirements to transport by flatbed trailer.
2: Transporting with side plow removed: Park the tractor and turn the engine off.
Center the tractor and the plows between the sides of the trailer. Secure the tractor
and the plows to the trailer with chains.