Quatech MPAP-100 User Manual
Page 48
13 Interrupt Status Register
The Interrupt Status Register is used to determine the cause of an interrupt generated by
the MPAP-100. The address of this register is Base+8. Table 11 details the bit definitions of the
register. The interrupt source in the Configuration Register (see page 41) must be set to
INTSCC for any of the statuses indicated by this register to occur. This register can be
ignored if the external FIFOs are not being used.
Bit 0
Bit 1
Bit 2
Bit 3
Bit 4
Bit 5
Bit 6
Bit 7
Table 11 --- Interrupt Status Register - Read Only/Write Clear
Bits 7-4:
Reserved, always 0.
Bit 3:
RX_PAT --- Receive Pattern Interrupt:
receive pattern interrupt occurs when the character set in the Receive Pattern
Character Register is detected 'n' consecutive times in the received data stream,
where 'n' is the value set in the Receive Pattern Count Register. This bit is set
(logic 1) to indicate the interrupt. It remains set until cleared by writing a '1' to
this bit.
Bit 2:
RX_FIFO --- Receive FIFO Interrupt:
The receive FIFO interrupt occurs when the number of bytes held in the external
receive FIFO rises above the half-full mark, or when a receive FIFO timeout
occurs. This bit is set (logic 1) to indicate the interrupt. It remains set until
cleared by writing a '1' to this bit.
Bit 1:
TX_FIFO --- Transmit FIFO Interrupt:
transmit FIFO interrupt occurs when the number of bytes held in the external
transmit FIFO falls below the half-full mark. This bit is set (logic 1) to indicate
the interrupt. It remains set until cleared by writing a '1' to this bit.
Bit 0:
SCC --- SCC Interrupt:
If this bit is set (logic 1), the SCC has generated an interrupt. Software should
clear the interrupt condition by performing appropriate service on the SCC. This
bit is not latched.