2 example: status report, existing alarms – Omega OMA-P1104 User Manual
Page 87
Chapter 6: Acknowledgment, Status Report, and Remote Access
6.2.2 Example: Status Report, Existing Alarms
Inputs 2, 3,and 4 are configured as dry contact and input 1 is
configured as temperature. An emergency situation is at hand:
a fire in a greenhouse has tripped a smoke alarm and electrical
power has been disrupted. In addition to high sound and AC
power alarms, separate alarms exist on inputs 1, 2, 3, and 4. You
happen to call in for the Status Report, which begins with,
“Hello, this is telephone number 555-1234; the time is
12:15 PM.” Following this introduction, the report continues:
“Number 1, 110 degrees, HIGH.”
“Number 2, EXISTS.”
“Number 3, EXISTS.”
“Number 4, EXISTS.”
“The electricity is OFF.”
“Battery condition, OK.”
“Sound level, HIGH.”
“Warning message received by ...(last telephone number
“Listen to the sound level for 10 seconds.”
The Status Report repeats once more and the OMA-P1104
concludes the call, saying: “Have a good day.”
* The “last telephone number dialed” refers to any one of the
programmed, dial-out telephone numbers through which the
OMA-P1104 was able to receive alarm acknowledgment, prior
to your call for a Status Report; this could also refer to the
OMA-P1104’s I.D. Number (identification number), if the
alarms are acknowledged at the keypad by someone present at
the site.