Oki B 4350 User Manual
Page 7

Spill or Leak Procedures
Steps to be taken in case Material is Released or Spilled:
Spray water over the spilled and/or leaked materials and then
clean out into a container. A vacuum cleaner with explosion-
proof can be used for small spills.
Waste Disposal Method: Follow appropriate federal, state and
local regulations.
Control Measures
Respiratory Protection (Specify Type): Nuisance dust
Local Exhaust-Recommended/Special-not necessary
Mechanical(General)-Recommended Other-not necessary
Protective Gloves: Recommended.
Eye Protection: Safety goggles.
Other Protective Equipment: Not Necessary.
Special Precaution
Precautions to be taken in handling and storing: Store in dry
cool place. Keep from sparks and open flame. Use with
adequate ventilation. To avoid dust explosion, ground all
equipment and pour material slowly into vessel.
Other Precautions: None.
Transportation Information
This product is not regulated as hazardous materials by the
Regulatory Information
All ingredients are registered under the Toxic Substances
Control Act (TSCA) or under polymer exemption.
All ingredients are exempt, registered or considered (polymers)
under European Inventory of Existing Commercial
Chemical Substances (EINECS).
User's Responsibility
This bulletin cannot cover all possible situations which the
user may experience during processing. Each aspect of your
operation must be examined if, or where, additional
precautions may be necessary. All health and safety
information contained in this bulletin must be provided to
your employees or customers. It is your responsibility to
use this information to develop appropriate work practice
guidelines and employee instructional programs for your
Date Prepared: May 28, 2002
Prepared by:
Oki Data Americas, Inc.
Engineering Services Department
2000 Bishops Gate Blvd.
Mt Laurel, NJ 08054-4620
Tel: (856) 235-2600
Fax: (856) 222-5320
Oki Data Americas, Inc. 2000 Bishops Gate Blvd. Mt. Laurel, NJ
Tel: (856) 235-2600 FAX: (856) 222-5320
Oki Data Americas, Inc., 2735 Matheson Blvd. East, Unit 1,
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L4W 4M8
Tel: (800) 654-3282 FAX: (905) 238-4427
Oki Data de Mexico, S.A. de C.V., Mariano Escobedo No. 748 - 8
Piso, Col Anzures, e. p. 11590, Mexico, DF
Tel: +52 555-263-8780 FAX: +52 555-250-3501
Oki Data do Brasil, Ltda., Rua Alexandre Dumas, 2220 - 8o andar,
Chacara Santo Antonio, 04717-004 Sao Paulo - SP - Brasil
Tel: 55-11-3444-3500 FAX: 55-11-3444-3501
Support Center: 0800-11-55-77
Email: [email protected]