English – Oki 4100 User Manual

Page 73

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Stat User Info


The 2V level indicates the maximum impairment that may
be introduced between the terminal apparatus and the
Network Terminal Point (NTP) of a Relevant Branch system
(RBS) containing the apparatus.

Only one OKIFAX 4100 should be connected between any
series connected apparatus and the PSTN.

Difficulties may occasionally be experienced when making
calls from other apparatus connected to the PSTN via the
series apparatus. Such difficulties may include:


Difficulty in making calls


Problems in telephone conversion being experi
enced by both parties to the call


Such that any apparatus which forms part of the
RBS or is connected via it, is so connected that no
signals of any kind may be conveyed between that
apparatus and a PSTN circuit or vice-versa, except
by means of other apparatus that does not material
ly affect the electrical conditions presented to one
another by that apparatus and the PSTN.

Further information is contained in the proposed
British Standard for RBS to PSTN lines.

TEL/FAX Change Over

When the OKIFAX 4100 is in changeover mode, care must be
taken to ensure that you only connect the apparatus to tele-
phone lines not listed in the telephone directories issued by
the Public Telephone Network Operators.

The telephone number of this apparatus should not be issued
to other parties without instructions concerning the correct
method of making calls to this apparatus.

While operation may be possible initially, changes to or mod-
ernisation of the network taking place in the normal course of
events may result in the apparatus being connected to a net-
work service with which it was not designed to be compati-
ble. Failure of the apparatus to work under these circum-
stances may not be the responsibility of the network operator.

If such difficulties are experienced, please consult your OKI-
FAX supplier.


A Relevant Branch system (RBS) is a telecommunication sys-
tem other than a public telecommunication system that is:-

(i) Run under a license granted or having effect under

section 7 of the Telecommunications Act 1984.

(ii) Connected to one or more PSTN lines.

Line Socket Installation (UK only)

To request the installation of a socket for the connection of
your OKIFAX 4100 to the telephone network, you should
send a postcard containing the following information to
your local BT Sales Office:

1) The model no. of your fax machine: OKIFAX 4100
2) The approval no. of your fax machine: BABT/96/4334
3) The number of extension sockets you require.
4) Your name, address and telephone number.
The card should be signed and dated.
Note:If your wiring does not belong to British Telecom, then
it is not necessary to apply to BT for socket installation.

4100 Fax ENGLISH 15/1/97 9:38 am Page 73