Oki OFFICE 87 User Manual
Page 26

OKIOFFICE 87 Setup Guide
5 After the display clears, enter the full telephone number of your MFP
machine using the numeric keypad.
Tip: Use the Hyphen key to enter a “+” character before the num-
ber, and use the 9/SPACE One-Touch key to enter spaces.
6 Press the START key to save your entry.
7 Enter your Sender ID. This is a descriptive title up to 32 characters
long. Refer to the instructions below.
To Do This
Enter numbers
Numeric keypad (press once)
Enter spaces
9/SPACE One-Touch key
Enter hyphens
Enter alphabet characters
Locate the character you want on the numeric keypad.
Press that key repeatedly until the character appears.
Enter a unique character
Press the 0/UNIQUE key repeatedly until the character
you want appears.
The following characters are available: ! @ \ “ _ % ~ #
& ‘ ( ) * + , - . / : ; = ? · д Я с ц ь Ж Е Ш ж е ш.
Note: Some unique characters can be inputted using
One-Touch keys.
Move the cursor to
make corrections.
8 Press the START key to save your entry. The display shows
9 After the display clears, use the numeric keypad to enter the tele-
phone number you want to use for call back messages. Enter up to
20 characters.
Tip: Use the HYPHEN key to enter a “+” character before the
number, and use the 9/SPACE One-Touch key to enter spaces.
10 Press the START key to save your entry.
11 Press the SELECT FUNCTION key to finish.