Oki JOB60851 User Manual

Page 22

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Chapter 2 Putting Board through its Paces


the above program to display a different string.

1. Copy the source code main.c to a new name, test.c, in the work directory--c:\test in our


2. Open the copy in a text editor.




void main(void)



S0BUF = 0x0A;/*

1st byte

send to get transmit ready status */

printf_c("Hello World!! \n");



3. Modify the string in line 10, replacing "World" with your own name.

4. Save the modified version. Exit or minimize the text editor.

5. Double-click the 665s.pif icon and enter the following command line to compile the new

version into test.hex, an executable for downloading to the JOB60851 board.

n Note n

Case counts for command line options (/T, /WIN, and /H here), but not for the
command name (cl665s) or file names.

6. Repeat the appropriate download procedure above substituting the new program, test.hex,

for main.hex.

7. Wait for your name to appear.

2-4. Overwriting Flash Memory Contents

As already mentioned in Section 2.2 above, the board ships with a test program in the MSM66Q573
Flash memory. This may be overwritten, however, with a PW66K Flash programmer.

For further details about flash programmer, contact Oki Electric Device Sales or distributor.