Oster Bread Maker User Manual
Page 10

This takes care of all of the liquid ingredients for the
recipe. Next come the dry ingredients.
Measure 4 cups of bread flour. Make sure not to
“overpack” the flour into the cup. To avoid over packing,
a good trick is to fill the measuring cup to overflowing,
then tap the side of the cup with a knife or spatula to
remove air pockets. Level off the measuring cup with the
knife or spatula. Pour the flour into the bread pan.
Measure 2 tablespoons of sugar. Again, make sure to
level off the tablespoons for an exact measurement.
Add the sugar into the bread pan.
Measure 4 teaspoons of dry milk. Level off the
teaspoons of dry milk like all of the rest of the dry
ingredients. Add the dry milk to the bread pan.
Measure 2 teaspoons of salt. It is especially important to
measure the salt precisely because too much salt, even
a little, can affect the rising of the dough. Add the salt
to the bread pan.
Before adding the yeast, use
your finger to form a well
(hole) in the flour where you
will pour the yeast. Yeast must
NEVER come into contact with
a liquid when you are adding
Measure (again, leveling off) 2 teaspoons of yeast and
carefully pour it into the well you made in the flour.