Topic menu and links, Save all, Help – RCA 360 User Manual

Page 26

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3 SpeedTouch™ Web Interface

E-DOC-CTC-20031204-0011 v2.0


Topic menu and links

On the left of each of the SpeedTouch™ web pages a topics menu is provided. This
menu navigates you via links through all configurational aspects of the SpeedTouch™.
For your convenience the links are sorted in two drop-down topics menus: Basic and
Advanced. The links in the Basic topic menu lead you to pages for basic SpeedTouch™
configuration and maintenance. The Advanced topic menu, contains the links which
allow advanced configuration of the SpeedTouch™. These pages need only to be
accessed for some specific operations, when instructed by the Service Provider.
The following table lists all Basic topic links:

The following table lists all advanced topic links:

Save all

The Save All link on the menu allows you to save the SpeedTouch™ settings. You should
use this link whenever you have made definitive changes to the SpeedTouch™ configu-



he Help link in the topics menu header allows you to browse the SpeedTouch™

online Help.
For more information on a specific topic you can click the context-related



located at the Topic's web pages.

BASIC topic menu

Click ...

To ...

System Information

The SpeedTouch™ Start Page
View the device’s system status and service profile
View the current ADSL line status.

Easy Setup

Configure the SpeedTouch™ via the embedded wizard.

System Password

Set a system password.

ADVANCED topic menu

Click ...

To ...


View SpeedTouch™ diagnostics.

System Log

View the activity on the SpeedTouch™ since power on.

IP Addresses

View/configure the SpeedTouch™ IP interfaces.


View/configure the SpeedTouch™ DHCP server/client.


View/configure the SpeedTouch™ DNS server/client.


Manage system and configuration.


Configure the web page language.

This manual is related to the following products: