Ribed in, Table 11 – Ruckus Wireless 2825 User Manual
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Ruckus Wireless 2825 Wireless Multimedia Router
Configuring the 2825
– This window is used to set up the advanced wireless functions. These settings should only be changed by an
experienced administrator. Incorrect settings can impact wireless performance. It is recommended that you keep the
default settings for best performance.
5. Click Update Settings to confirm your choices.
describes the settings.
Table 11—Advanced Wireless Settings
Data Rate
Specifies the rate of data transmission. Select the desired rate from
the drop-down menu. Selecting Best adapts the rate to the best
available. The default value is Best. The data rates that appear in the
Data Rate drop-down menu are dependent on the Wireless Mode
Transmit Power
Specifies the maximum transmit power level relative to the calibrated
power. Select the level of transmit power from the drop-down menu.
The default is Full
Beacon Interval
The Beacon Interval value indicates the frequency interval of the
beacon in milliseconds. A beacon is a broadcast packet by Access
Point (AP) to synchronize wireless network. The default value is 100.
Protection Mode
Protection is the mechanism to let 802.11 devices know when they
should communicate to another device. This is most important when
there is a mixed environment of both 802.11b and 802.11g clients.
This function boosts the interoperability of 802.11b and 802.11g
devices but will severely decrease performance.
Table 12—Security Disabled Parameters
Wireless Availability
Checking or unchecking this selection turns on or off your wireless
Broadcast SSID
This sets whether or not your SSID is visible to anyone looking for
wireless networks. Disabling it means someone would have to know
your SSID before connecting to your network.
This is the name of your wireless network. The default SSID is
"V54-HOME001", but it is strongly recommended that you change it.
If there are other wireless networks in your area, you should give your
network a unique name. The SSID is case-sensitive and must not
exceed 32 characters.