Personal information, Entering information, Changing unit – RCA S2502 User Manual

Page 31: Stride length, Pedometer, Using pedometer, Sensitivity, Reset pedometer

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For accurate use of the pedometer and
calculation of the BMI (Body Mass Index), you
are required to enter your personal
information in the the Settings menu (refer to
page 20).

Entering information

1. In the player menu, press + or to

highlight "Settings" and press



enter its sub-menu.

2. Press + or to highlight "Personal Info"

and press


to enter its sub-menu.

3. Press + or to highlight among “Sex”,

“Weight”, “Height” and “Stride”. Press
to select one of them.

4. While the value is blinking, press + or to

adjust it (except for sex, press

for gender


5. Press

to confirm when finished. The

adjusted value stops blinking.

Personal information

20 steps (distance traveled)

Stride length = Distance traveled / 20



Using pedometer

1. In the player menu, press + or to

highlight "Pedometer" and press


to enter its sub-menu.

2. Press + or to highlight “Mode” and press

to select among “Off”, “Steps”,

“Distance” and “Calories”.

• Off = pedometer is off
• Steps = number of steps is displayed
• Distance = estimated distance is displayed
• Calories = estimated calorie-burnt is


Changing unit

You may change between the English and
metric unit system when inputting your
personal information.
1. In the player menu, press + or to

highlight "Settings" and press



enter its sub-menu.

2. Press + or to highlight "Unit".
3. Press

to select between the English and

metric unit system.

Stride length

• To measure your stride length, measure the

distance traveled by walking 20 steps and
divide distance by 20.


number of step

estimated distance
(unit as km in
metric system)

estimated calorie-


To adjust the sensitivity of the pedometer:
1. In the player menu, press + or to

highlight “Pedometer” and press


to enter its sub-menu.

2. Press + or to highlight “Sensitivity” and


to select among “Low”, “Med”

and “High”.

Reset pedometer

1. In the player menu, press + or to

highlight “Pedometer” and press


to enter its sub-menu.

2. Press + or to highlight “Reset

pedometer” and press

to reset.

• Estimated distance = number of

steps x stride length

• Estimated calorie-burnt = weight x

estimated distance* (* x 0.73 for English

• For accurate measurement, use the

player on your arm with the armband