Music playback, Music playback controls, Music playback display – RCA S2502 User Manual

Page 21

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Music playback

Music playback controls

To decrease the volume

To increase the volume

Press once to skip to the
next file, or press and
hold to fast forward.

Press once to skip to the

previous file*, or press

and hold to fast reverse.

Press once to start the

playback. Press during

playback to pause and

again to resume.

Press to go to the option or
player menu (refer to page 17).
Press and hold to lock or
unlock the keys.

Press to show the wireless

menu (refer to page 34-35).

* Press

within the beginning 4 seconds of the current file to skip to the previous file.

Otherwise, you will return to the beginning of the current file.

Repeat mode

Shuffle mode

Battery level indicator

Elapsed time of current file

Playback mode

File title

Artist name

Current file number / total

number of files

Album name

Album art

File format and bit rate

The information provided in the playback screen depends upon the metadata fields that have
been set up for the song.

Key lock is activated

Music playback display

Wireless mode is turned on