Music folder, Music player, Play a song – Nokia X500 User Manual

Page 36

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Music folder

Music player

Music player supports files formats such as AAC, AAC+, eAAC+, MP3, and WMA. Music

player does not necessarily support all features of a file format or all the variations

of file formats.
You can also use Music player to listen to podcast episodes. Podcasting is the method

for delivering audio or video content over the internet using either RSS or Atom

technologies for playback on mobile devices and PCs.
You can transfer music from other compatible devices to your device.

See "Transfer

music to your device", p. 37.

Play a song





Music player


To add all available songs to the music library, select



Refresh library


To play a song, select the desired category, and the song.

To pause playback, press the scroll key; to resume, press the scroll key again. To

stop playback, scroll down.

To fast-forward or rewind, press and hold the scroll key to the right or left.

To skip to the next item, scroll right. To return to the beginning of the item, scroll

left. To skip to the previous item, scroll left again within 2 seconds after a song has


To modify the tone of the music playback, select





36 Music folder

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