Niles Audio RFG User Manual
Page 6

ZIGBee teRmInoLoGY
To understand how to use the RFG, the system designer needs to understand
ZigBee terminology.
MAsteR BAse
The Master Base is the coordinator of the RF mesh network. Its job is to receive
information from the Repeater Bases and End-Points in the system, consolidate that
information, and send it to the main controlled source. The Master Base is like a head
coach in football. His job is to listen to the assistant coaches and players to create and
send the game plan to those that execute it. The Master Base should be located centrally
and as high as possible within the system design. A Master Base is hard-wired to the
main controlled source, the MultiZone receiver, or Home Theater Main System Unit.
The End-Point is where the RF transmitted information starts and stops. For the RFG,
the End-Point is typically a MultiZone system keypad. A system design can have multiple
End-Points (keypads). End-Points can be spread over a large area and communicate
directly to the Master Base, or through a Repeater Base to the Master Base. By its nature
an End-Point will not repeat RF information to other End-Points.
RepeAteR BAse
The job of a Repeater Base is to listen for any network RF information, take that
information and re-transmit it so that other bases can pick it up if they are too far away
for direct communication.