Niles Audio RFG User Manual
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NIlEs AUDIO CORPORATION – 1-800-bUY-hIFI – 305-238-4373
1) power Led - The blue LED indicates that the RFG has power. This LED also indicates
the connection status to the Niles MultiZone Receiver or Home Theater Main System Unit.
2) System connection - This RJ-45 connection is used when the RFG is connected to
a Niles MultiZone receiver.
3) keypad connection - This RJ-45 connection is used when the RFG is connected to
a keypad, a Niles HT-MSU Home Theater Main System Unit, or to continue the CAT-5 cable run
to other RFGs.
4) power connection - This barrel type jack is where the power supply connects to the
RFG. A Niles FG01035 Power Supply (optional) is required for certain system configurations.
The ferrite bead is used on the end of the power plug connected to the RFG.
5) mounting Wings - The RFG can be conveniently mounted to a baseboard, wooden
stud, or directly to the wall. (Mounting screws not included).
6) Set-up dipswitches - These switches allow the RFG to be configured for one of four
operation modes: Master Base, Repeater Base, Wireless Keypad, and Not Assigned.
7) external Adjustable Antenna - This is the ZigBee Antenna. The RFG should
always be positioned so that the antenna is vertical.
8) Antenna connection - This screw terminal allows the adjustable antenna to
be attached.
SYStem deSIGn conSIdeRAtIonS
The Niles RFG Radio Frequency Gateway is a highly flexible tool that allows system designers
to add a ZigBee radio transmitter/receiver to Niles MultiZone products or extend the Radio
Frequency receiver of the Niles HT-MSU Home Theater Main System Unit.
Multiple RFGs are used to create an RF mesh network. RF mesh networks require at least
a transmitter and a receiver, however in large installations repeater bases can be used.