Limited warranty – Niles Audio RFG User Manual
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Niles Audio Corporation (“NILES”) warrants to the original retail purchaser only that this product will be free of manufacturing defects in material and workmanship for the following
periods and subject to the limitations and exclusions set forth below:
Lifetime Warranty
All Passive Loudspeaker Products (those not requiring AC or battery power).
Ten years from the date of purchase
All Other Passive Products (those not requiring AC or battery power).
Two years from the date of purchase
All Active Products (those requiring AC or battery power).
This warranty is not transferable to subsequent purchasers of the product. To obtain warranty service, contact the authorized dealer where you purchased your product or take
the unit to the nearest authorized NILES dealer (with proof of purchase – claims made without proof of purchase will be denied) who will test the product and if necessary, forward
it to NILES for service. If there are no authorized NILES dealers in your area, you must contact NILES to receive a factory Return Authorization Number. DO NOT RETURN ANY UNIT
Upon examination, NILES will, at its sole option and expense, repair or replace any product found to be defective. NILES will return the repaired or replaced unit to you via its usual
shipping method from the factory to your address in the United States of America or Canada only. Any shipping costs for addresses outside of the United States or Canada shall be
the responsibility of the purchaser. In the event that this model is no longer available and cannot be repaired effectively, NILES, at its sole option, may replace it with a different model
of equal or greater value, or refund the original purchase price paid.
the FoReGoinG ARe youR exclusive ReMedies FoR BReAch oF wARRAnty.
This Warranty does not include service or parts to repair damage caused by improper use or handling, including but not limited to damage caused by accident, mishandling, improper
installation, commercial use, abuse, negligence, or normal wear and tear, or any defect caused by repair to the product by anyone other than NILES.
This warranty does not cover reimbursement for your costs of removing and transporting the product for warranty service evaluation, or installation of any replacement product
provided under this warranty.
This Warranty will be void if:
• the Serial Number on the product has been removed, tampered with or defaced.
• the product was not purchased from an authorized dealer or reseller.
the FoReGoinG wARRAnties ARe exclusive And in lieu oF All otheR expRessed And iMplied wARRAnties. niles expRessly disclAiMs All such otheR
wARRAnties, includinG But not liMited to iMplied wARRAnties oF MeRchAntABility, Fitness FoR A pARticulAR puRpose And non-inFRinGeMent, with
Respect to the pRoduct. to the MAxiMuM extent peRMitted By lAw, niles shAll not Be ResponsiBle FoR Any incidentAl oR conseQuentiAl dAMAGes
except to the extent pRovided (oR pRohiBited) By ApplicABle lAw, even iF niles hAs Been Advised oF the possiBility oF such dAMAGes.
Notwithstanding the above, if you qualify as a “consumer” under the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act, or applicable state laws, then you may be entitled to any implied warranties
allowed by law for the Warranty Period. Further, some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or allow the exclusion or limitation of consequential
damages, so such limitations may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.
For the name of your nearest authorized NILES dealer, contact: NILES AUDIO CORPORATION, P.O. BOX 160818, Miami, Florida 33116-0818, or call 1-800-289-4434, 1-305-238-
4373. Please be advised that NILES only sells its products via the Internet through a select group of authorized Internet dealers. These are listed on our website at www.nilesaudio.
com. Products offered on the Internet through unauthorized Internet dealers are not covered by the NILES warranty and may be either:
1) goods acquired on a secondary or grey market
2) counterfeit or stolen goods
3) damaged, or defective goods
Attention: to ouR vAlued consuMeRs:
To insure that consumers obtain quality pre-sale and after-sale support and service, NILES products are sold exclusively through authorized dealers. This warranty is VOID if the
products have been purchased from an unauthorized dealer.