Niles Audio RFG User Manual

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NIlEs AUDIO CORPORATION – 1-800-bUY-hIFI – 305-238-4373



The Niles RFG Radio Frequency Gateway is a highly flexible tool that allows system designers

to add a ZigBee


radio transmitter/receiver to Niles MultiZone products or extend the Radio

Frequency Receiver of a Niles HT-MSU Home Theater Main System Unit.

FeAtUReS And BeneFItS

mULtI-mode dIpSWItcHeS
Two dipswitches are used to select the operation mode: Master Base, Repeater Base,

Wireless Keypad, and Not Assigned.
neW eXteRnAL AdJUStABLe AntennA
An external antenna improves reception coverage, range and reliability and is easily

adjustable, regardless of installation restrictions.
The low-profile housing, accessible connections, and wall-mount hole wings enable the RFG

to be installed behind components or along a baseboard. The high-impact plastic housing is

heat resistant, so the RFG works well in an attic. Multiple RFGs can be cascade wired over a

single CAT-5 cable run.


RF commUnIcAtIon

The RFG uses a ZigBee based 2.4 Gigahertz radio frequency that works well in “noisy” RF

environments. The 15-channel* and 15-network ID capability allows multiple RFGs to be used

near each other and in multiple-dwelling units.

RFG EX has 10 channels