Device documentation and specifications, Ni-daqmx base (linux/mac os x/labview pda 8. x ) – National Instruments NI USB-6008/6009 User Manual
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NI USB-6008/6009 User Guide and Specifications
Library»Using the Measurement Studio .NET Class Libraries to
view conceptual topics for using NI-DAQmx with Visual C# and
Visual Basic .NET.
To get to the same help topics from within Visual Studio, go to
Help»Contents. Select Measurement Studio from the Filtered By
drop-down list and follow the previous instructions.
Device Documentation and Specifications
Documentation for supported devices and accessories, including PDF
and help files describing device terminals, specifications, features, and
operation are on the NI-DAQmx CD that includes Device Documentation.
Insert the CD, open the Device Documentation directory, and double-click
the Device Documents shortcut for your language to find, view, and print
device documents.
You can also download these documents at
NI-DAQmx Base (Linux/Mac OS X/LabVIEW PDA 8.x)
The NI-DAQmx Base Getting Started Guide describes how to install your
NI-DAQmx Base software, your NI-DAQmx Base-supported DAQ device,
and how to confirm that your device is operating properly. In Windows,
select Start»All Programs»National Instruments»NI-DAQmx Base»
Documentation»NI-DAQmx Base Getting Started Guide.
Getting Started with NI-DAQmx Base for Linux and Mac Users describes
how to install your NI-DAQmx Base software, your NI-DAQmx
Base-supported DAQ device, and how to confirm that your device is
operating properly on your Mac/Linux machine.
The NI-DAQmx Base Readme lists which devices are supported by this
version of NI-DAQmx Base. In Windows, select Start»All Programs»
National Instruments»NI-DAQmx Base»DAQmx Base Readme.
The NI-DAQmx Base VI Reference Help contains VI reference and general
information about measurement concepts. In LabVIEW, select
Help»NI-DAQmx Base VI Reference Help.
The NI-DAQmx Base C Reference Help contains C reference and general
information about measurement concepts. In Windows, select Start»All
Programs»National Instruments»NI-DAQmx Base»Documentation»
C Function Reference Help.
All NI-DAQmx Base documentation for Linux is installed at