Nlynx Wireless Gateway User Manual

Page 66

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The Reset command restarts the Wireless Gateway just like turning the device off and

on. Saved settings are retained, but tally counters are restarted from zero after the

reset. The Reset panel contains the message “Do you really want to reset this device?”

and a YES button. If you do not want to reset the Wireless Gateway, exit the panel

without clicking YES; otherwise, clic k YES and the reset process will begin.

Tools — Factory Reset

A factory reset restarts the Wireless Gateway and returns all of its settings to their

default values. The Factory Reset panel contains the message “Do you really want to

factory reset this device?” and a YES button. If you do not want to carry out a factory

reset, exit the panel without clicking YES; otherwise, click YES and the factory reset

process will begin.

Note: The Wireless Gateway must be reconfigured after a factory


Tools — Print Test

The Print Test command lets you test an attached printer and the connection to it. The

Print Test panel contains a Port Selection control and a Test button. The Port

Selection control is permanently set to LPT, the internal name for the Wireless

Gateway's printer port.

To test the printer and the connection to it, click the Test button. If a connection to a

printer can be detected, the message “LPT: On line” will appear and a Test Page will

be printed out to the printer; otherwise, “LPT: Off line” will be displayed.

Tools — PPPoE Connect and PPPoE Disconnect

If the Wireless Gateway is set for a PPPoE (Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet)

WAN connection and the Connect on Demand control is set to No (see “Basic

Setup — Broadband Router”), you can use the PPPoE Connect and PPPoE

Disconnect commands to turn the link to your ISP on and off.

Note that if you are using a manager console, and connection scheduling is in effect

(see “Advanced Settings — Manager Console”), the PPPoE Connect command will

work only when the schedule allows connection to the WAN.

When you click PPPoE Connect, there might be a delay of a few seconds; then the

message “PPPoE Connecting...” will be displayed until connection is successful. If for