Nlynx Wireless Gateway User Manual

Page 48

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wireless devices to communicate through the Wireless Gateway, their

encryption settings must be the same as the Wireless Gateway's.

Input Format

The Input Format control determines how your input for Key 1 through Key 4

will be interpreted by the Wireless Gateway when you save the settings in the

Wireless Encryption panel.

Although your keys can be different lengths (that is, some can be 64-bit and

some 128-bit), you must use the same input format (ASCII or hex) for all four


ASCII format causes each character you type to be interpreted as an eight-bit

value. All unaccented upper- and lower-case Western European characters that

can be input through your keyboard's typing zone are valid. For a 64-bit key,

you must type 5 characters; for a 128-bit key, you must type 13 characters.

These character counts result in bit counts of 40 and 104, respectively; the

Wireless Gateway will automatically pad your input to a bit count of 64 or


Hex format causes each pair of characters you type to be interpreted as an

eight-bit value in hexadecimal (base 16) notation. Only the digits 0 through 9

and the letters A through F (in upper or lower case) are valid. For a 64-bit key,

you must type 10 pairs of characters; for a 128-bit key, you must type 26 pairs

of characters. These character counts result in bit counts of 40 and 104,

respectively; the Wireless Gateway will automatically pad your input to a bit

count of 64 or 128.

Key 1 through Key 4

After deciding on an input format (see preceding), click in each key input box

and type the key you have decided to us e. To help maintain security, only

asterisks will appear as you type. Remember to input the same keys on stations

that will need to communicate through the Wireless Gateway's wireless access


Encrypt Data Transmissions Using