Nlynx Wireless Gateway User Manual
Page 6

Full selection of wireless channels (number depends on region of sale)
Supports TCP/IP and AppleTalk printing protocols
Configurable as a DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) server
“Port Forwarding” function for outside access to specified local servers
“DMZ Host” function
“Port Open” function for control of Internet gaming
Configurable for NAT or router mode
Up to sixteen static routes, individually configurable for LAN or WAN
Configurable for dynamic routing on LAN and/or WAN
Per-interface, per-direction RIP (Routing Information Protocol) selections
(RIP 1, RIP 1-compatible, RIP 2, no RIP)
LAN-to-WAN access control on basis of IP or MAC address or both
LAN-to-WAN access control on basis of protocol (port number)
NetBIOS over TCP/IP blocking function
WAN request blocking function (to reject potentially harmful requests
originating on the WAN)
Connection scheduling, logging, and filtering (requires Manager Server
Flexible MAC-based wireless access control
IEEE 802.11b WEP encryption with up to four 64- and/or 128-bit keys
Configurable protocol-based filtering between wired and wireless segments of
the LAN
Global or per -host filtering of wired-to-wireless broadcasts and multicasts
Extensive reporting capabilities