Ingenuity behind every picture, The trinity of coolpix advantages – Nikon Coolpix Compact Digital Camera User Manual

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Ingenuity behind every picture.

Every picture taken with your Nikon COOLPIX compact digital camera is a
premium Nikon experience culminating in over 60 years of photographic
excellence. Nikon technology makes taking incredible pictures incredibly easy.
Quick response, superior craftsmanship and remarkable compact dimensions are
all hallmarks of a photographer's camera made by a true camera manufacturer.
Nikon's legendary NIKKOR lens optics, coveted worldwide by photographers,
and pioneering EXPEED digital image-processing innovations are built into
every COOLPIX. And only COOLPIX brings so much inspiration and creativity
together in one stylish package.

The trinity of
COOLPIX advantages


From image capture to processing, Nikon's
comprehensive EXPEED digital image-processing
concept encompasses the entire picture-taking
operation, not just the graphic reproduction.
EXPEED is much more than a processing engine, it
is a revolution in digital photography.

Nikon's smarter approach to
digital image-processing

75 years of superior lens optics

W i t h s e v e n t y - f i v e y e a r s o f p r e c i s i o n
l e n s m a n u f a c t u r i n g h i s t o r y i n i t s o w n
glassworks, NIKKOR lenses have met the
e x a c t i n g s t a n d a r d s d e m a n d e d b y t o p
professional photographers. Today with
digital photography, that same commitment
to quality craftsmanship, industry-leading
technology, and reliability has never been
more certain.